Television technology - where are we?

A neighbor recently installed a 82" Samsung 4K tv. I was fairly impressed and thinking about doing the same. Is there other manufacturers, models and or sizes I should consider. I want to make this purchase and have it installed in time for 2019 college football season opener.
Hey noble100, 

As for now, I can't see any advantage of 8K over 4K. It's starting to sound like the old horsepower wars of old back in the days of muscle cars. 

What I see with basic upscaling of 2K to 4K looks wonderful and actual 4K wouldn't look any better unless viewed further back and on a bigger screen, like you say. What I may get in the future is one of the new Pioneer 4K Blu ray players with the better and current Hi Def features that my OPPO 103 player lacks. From what I've read, these new players made a huge impact on the image quality that even the last batch of OPPO players couldn't.

Also, that link that @ajnackman provided looks very promising. Even online, and at the distance shown, those images are striking. Given time the prices will come down but I'll probably be too old to appreciate it. 

All the best,
Hello nonoise,
     Yes, that Samsung Micro-LED technology does look very promising.  I think each pixel being emissive is a big deal that's really the core reason that OLED and plasma have such clearly superior picture quality along with the capacity to turn off each pixel which allows excellent black levels and contrast levels.  
      Interesting you mention the new Pioneer 4K Bluray players, I was just looking at the Pioneer, Panasonic and Sony top 4K models and they all look promising, too.  I was trying to buy an Oppo -205 just when they announced they'd be leaving the market and I wasn't able to get one. I've been looking for a comparable 4K player similar to the Oppo just out of curiosity right now.  I'm currently using an Oppo-105 now with one of the last 65" Panasonic 1080P plasmas they made that I was fortunate to buy back in 2014.  
      My Oppo and plasma are still functioning flawlessly but I realize they won't last forever and it's good to know there'll be some good technology available when the time comes. Maybe a Pioneer 128K player with an emissive 128K 100" HDTV?
