Phase Inversion, to flip polarity or not

I put a system up in another room using an older Bruce Moore Companion 2c Preamp with upgrades and a PS Audio HCA-2 amp with full blown Reference Audio Mods. The Bruce Moore just like the Audible Illusion recommends invert phase. I tried both ways and like both ways for different reasons. Without inverting phase it sounds fuller, drums sound bigger, horns have a little more meat on the bone.  With invert phase there more detail, drum a little tighter but still has slam, maybe little more information, the PS Audio does help as it's pretty good at information retrieval. Anyone's insight or explanation to what I'm hearing please let me know. When dealing with a preamp recommending inverting phase which route do you go, just haven't decided which one is best, there both good.

 Interesting analysis kost_amojon, I  will have to think about this.  For my part when I have had a phase switch I seemed to notice changes on transients such as cymbals.  Otherwise I haven't ever noticed much.  I take notice about the observations that recordings may or may not be in or out of phase anyway. 
  1. There are innumerable stages in the recording chain that may or not be polarity correct.
  2. In a multitrack recording, there may be tracks [drums, guitar, bass, etc.] with correct polarity and tracks inverted.
  3. Selections recorded in one studio may be inverted relative to another studio on the same album. Compilation albums are notorious for this failing.
  4. Some loudspeakers invert polarity between drivers.
  5. Almost every device in the chain introduces phase distortion, i.e. a time shift between fundamental and harmonics. Coupled with loudspeaker polarity, this can make it impossible to achieve correct polarity across the audio spectrum.

Given the above, it is almost impossible to use most recorded material to determine polarity.

In decades past, I marked LPs as to preferred polarity, but now I just enjoy the music.

Bottom line, set it to how it sounds best for the majority of material. 

The Polarity Test track on the XLO Test CD is in Correct Polarity. But wouldn’t it be funny if it wasn’t? 😬