Speaker recommendation for SET tube amp MASTERSOUND

For over a year I've been contemplating a SET tube amplifier for my Sonus Faber Elipsa SE.
I know SET is a poor match for a relatively inefficient and difficult to drive speakers, nonetheless I was completely entranced by this amp. 
 I finally got a Mastersound Compact 845. The sound is truly magical, even at low levels, and considerably different from my Mcintosh mc452/ c2600 combo. 
I'm reluctant to test the limits of this amp due to the fear of over driving the amp and damaging both the amp and speakers. I haven't moved the volume dial past 11 o'clock. I listen to classical music, mostly piano and symphony. So far just solo piano nothing dynamic. I've been listening to this amp religiously 2-3hr a day since I got it. I wasn't compelled to turn on my MAC even once since I got MS. 

I know I need efficient and easy to drive speakers to really enjoy this amp. I prefer speakers that look modern and attractive, ie sonus faber style. Ill set it up in my bedroom which is 18'x14ft with vaulted ceilings ~12'. Alternatively my office with 16'x11' with 8' ceilings.  Ill be using blue sound to stream Tidal. What would match well with this amp? Regardless of price, what would be best for my music choice? I know this is a backwards way of setting up a system, but I absolutely wanted Mastersound and nothing else. I would like to stress one more time, aesthetics are very important due to WAF. These could be monitors or floor standing. Here are the specs for Mastersound Compact 845: 

Power: 2 x 30 Watt
Tubes: 2 x 845 - 2 x ECC802 - 2 x 6SN7
Inputs XLR: 1 Line + 1 Direct
Inputs RCA: 3 Line + 1 Direct
Bandwidth: 8hz / 40khz 0 db
Load impedance: 4 – 8 Ohm
Find a pair of Snell E's for cheap! This is the original design that Audio Note UK copied and called the EIII (for a mere $4.5K). I have a pair with replacement SEAS 8-inch drivers. A great-sounding floor-stander, easy-to-drive with tube amps!
Not sure of your budget but the Charney Audio Companion with your choice of driver will work perfectly with your amp and room. Charney will custom make your speaker to wood type and colors to fit your decor. The Companion is a work of art that delivers music in spades. If your in the NJ,NY,CT,PA region contact Charney in Somerset NJ for a listen. Or do a search there are a number of happy owners on the web.
I used 15” tannoy with 845 with good result. Also Altec 604.  More in keeping to your modern look i used reference 3A