What’s your vote for the most ridiculous, overpriced, and useless tweak?

My vote: Furutech Outlet Cover 105 NCF $220, with “special crystalline material that has two “active” properties.” https://www.thecableco.com/outlet-cover-105-ncf.html

It is not (rpt not) true that NASA installed Schumann Frequency generators on the Shuttle for the well-being of the astronauts. I don’t know how that rumor got started but you can find it as a selling point for some wellness web sites. 👩‍🚀

Also, the argument that the real Schumann frequency is being drowned out by the proliferation of radio frequencies in our modern world doesn’t make sense because the Schumann 7.8 Hz electromagnetic wave cannot be “drowned out” by the radio frequencies that are very high up in the Megahertz and Gigahertz regions. It’s the same reason why a satellite 🛰 uplink frequency cannot interfere with the downlink frequency since those frequencies are deliberately separated. The real Schumann wave that exists in the channel around the Earth’s circumference is as strong as ever, perhaps even stronger now due to more extreme bad weather, I.e., lightning storms.
You are right Geoff, but I am certain also that these frequencies affect the listening body, if they are re-inforced by a resonator; and more than that these frequencies affect my stones grid trough a single cable and trough that the audio grid...when I added these connected stones to the resonator the result was "wow"...Then I understand your point that a frequencies does not drown out another, but re-inforcing one that must make some difference I think...My best..
You still have not explained why or how the Schumann frequency improves the sound. It would be nice for either a physical, electronic or psychological explanation. It seems rather far-fetched that the human brain is influenced by or requires an external frequency, the Schumann frequency, to function properly. I’m not buying it. The 7.8 Hz frequency is nowhere near the audio frequency range of 20-20k Hz. The Schumann frequency wavelength is 25,000 miles for heaven sake and doesn’t even fit in the room! 😬
Ok Geoffkait, first, in case you have enquire or even inquire, I am not dead...

Second, the listening human body is an antenna also, and the more sophisticated measure apparatus there is... Then these schumann frequencies of the earth participate from the origin till today in the structural genesis of life because they permeated the life field, like ground permeates the roots of tree...By the way 20 khz is 15 kilometer wavelength, how that fit in my room? Perhaps Fourier analysis completed by some wavelet analysis will help here...Perhaps the body is able more than we at wavelet analysis... You are the physicist, think about it and tell me...

By the way I dont pretend that what I say is an explanation, only matter to think about at best...
Just popping in Pop! 🍾 to say the 20 kHz frequency is acoustic so it’s wavelength is actually very short, 1.7 cm. On the other hand, the Schumann frequency 7.8 Hz is in the electromagnetic spectrum so it’s wavelength is extremely long, I.e. circumference of the earth 🌎 . 😳 With climate change and more extreme weather I suspect the amplitude of the Schumann frequency is at an all time high, given that the Schumann frequency is primarily a function of lightning storms. ⛈

Pop quiz  🤗 If the real Schumann frequency wavelength is 25,000 miles how does the Schumann frequency generator produce a frequency of 7.8 Hz in the room? Hint - the length of the antenna required is proportional to the wavelength.