Geoff, I’ve noticed that you have frequently posted about the scattered light problem since you started selling a product to help eliminate this problem. There’s nothing wrong with that if you discovered a problem and came up with a solution.
>>>>That’s might generous of you.
It would be helpful to us and you, though, if you provided the evidence that shows that scattered light increases reading errors for cds that cd players don’t correct. If the evidence is simply that you hear a subjective improvement when playing cds treated with your product, it would be good to know that too.
>>>>I’m afraid you’ll have to take my word for it. I’ll leave all the measuring to someone else. I’ll even leave the subjective opinion to someone else. You may think of it as a logic puzzle.
Geoff, I’ve noticed that you have frequently posted about the scattered light problem since you started selling a product to help eliminate this problem. There’s nothing wrong with that if you discovered a problem and came up with a solution.
>>>>That’s might generous of you.
It would be helpful to us and you, though, if you provided the evidence that shows that scattered light increases reading errors for cds that cd players don’t correct. If the evidence is simply that you hear a subjective improvement when playing cds treated with your product, it would be good to know that too.
>>>>I’m afraid you’ll have to take my word for it. I’ll leave all the measuring to someone else. I’ll even leave the subjective opinion to someone else. You may think of it as a logic puzzle.