Subs on stands

Wondering if y'all have any experience with subs on stands.  Is there a improvement in sound.
If you put your room dimensions into one of the room mode calculators on the ’net, you can see where in the room it’s modes and anti-modes are located (always but not exclusively at the wall/ceiling/floor intersections. Other locations are in the middle of a room’s length, width, and height, as well at 1/3 and 2/3 intervals). If possible, do NOT position your subs (or speakers) at those locations.

ALL woofers work best at the intersection of room boundaries

I've been using SubDudes for years.  Really tightens up the bass on suspended floors.  I also use a bass manger that provides room correction.
I put my JL Audio subs on top of 4" X 18" x 18" maple blocks that have 2" Star Sound brass spikes under it. Under the Spikes I am using Herbies gliders.

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