I would buy a very reasonably priced USB cable from Monoprice or other legitimate dealer. Makes no sense to pay a premium for Nordhost cables when there has never been a verified test where anyone was able to tell the difference. Every serious, well known A/V organization will tell you that moderately priced digital (USB, HDMI, Ethernet) cables are all you need for 100% audio and video throughput and quality.
Don't be a dummy; spend your money like you have a clue. And don't be fooled by the pseudo-high tech babble you read here made up by self proclaimed pseudo-audio experts. That they buy these high priced trinkets says all you need to know about their qualifications.
Don't be a dummy; spend your money like you have a clue. And don't be fooled by the pseudo-high tech babble you read here made up by self proclaimed pseudo-audio experts. That they buy these high priced trinkets says all you need to know about their qualifications.