List your System Ingredients: Listed most to least expensive, by list price or price paid

How did you proportion your system spending? You can choose to list by component name or type, and by the the price you actually paid new or used, OR by the original full retail price. Just be consistent. 

For example, by price paid mine would be-

Millercarbon: Tone arm, speakers, phono stage, motor, cartridge, turntable, Cones (rack, Shelf, etc), speaker cable, power cords, room treatment and tweaks, amp, interconnect.

But by full retail price when new mine would be:

Millercarbon: Speakers, speaker cables, tone arm, Cones (rack, Shelf, etc), phono stage, power cords, cartridge, motor, interconnect,  amp, room treatment and tweaks (fuses, ECT, HFT, etc).

@almarg and others

Al, I have great respect for you and the measured and super useful posts you provide. They often help me come to a greater understanding. -The lack of a trend may be a trend, but here, I'm not sure how that'd be helpful. Cheers

This thread just seemed like a measuring contest to me. I think a lot of people would prefer not to disclose price, I am one. OP, when you ask people to talk about capital or finance, many choose not to. Looks like most people just responded in percentages. 

But to play along, I’ll provide percentages.

Amp/pre - 57%
Speakers - 32%
Server - 8%
CD - 1%
Wire - 3% (surprised at how it sings with such a small investment here. I do believe in wire, especially power cords)
Leaving out price is deliberate and makes it decidedly not a measuring contest. Leaving out even percentages makes it purely a list of which cost more- and letting people choose to go with either MSRP or what they paid is yet another way of hiding or avoiding the BSD effect. For once you can have Rotel, and nobody gives a Schiit.
I read the start of the thread.

That said, anyone wanting to know about the individual components in my system should simply go here, scroll to the bottom:

Please note that you will not find cables there. I consider them a non-factor.

As to cost, almost all the components were bought second hand or store demo model. The Koetsu Onyx was a gift. Beyond that, everyone here is fairly astute: I’m sure you can figure the cost yourselves.

With regard to Elizabeth’s comment: these days, maybe for the last 20 years or so, I generally don’t care what other audiophiles are doing. I have an approach, a philosophy, I know what I want, I go for it and that’s that. 

By price paid...

Phono Amp
Digital disc spinners
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