I also have the Lotus Elites (predecessor to the Vipers).
My impression has been that Carl voices these speakers with a eye towards tube amps rather than SS. I alternate between a Conrad-Johnson MV-60 (EL34 version) amp and an Audio Research VT-100 Mk2 (6550), depending on whether I'm in the mood for the luscious EL34 midrange of the CJ vs the extended frequency extension of the ARC.
I have tried SS in the form of the Creek 53530SE as well; always ended up preferring the tube amps. Yeah, the Creek is not in the same weight class as the ARC, but it is no slouch.
Good luck with your search...
My impression has been that Carl voices these speakers with a eye towards tube amps rather than SS. I alternate between a Conrad-Johnson MV-60 (EL34 version) amp and an Audio Research VT-100 Mk2 (6550), depending on whether I'm in the mood for the luscious EL34 midrange of the CJ vs the extended frequency extension of the ARC.
I have tried SS in the form of the Creek 53530SE as well; always ended up preferring the tube amps. Yeah, the Creek is not in the same weight class as the ARC, but it is no slouch.
Good luck with your search...