Happy 4th of July

Enjoy the 4th and be safe
Don't let the naysayers (leftists) get to you...you are living in the greatest nation the world has ever known.  Be happy and healthy enjoying your celebration for what the founding fathers established for us.  Happy Independence Day!🧨🇺🇸
Those same founding fathers eschewed politics in favor of the greater good of all. They also founded a country where the minority opinion was to be protected at all costs. With the exception of slavery, they were indeed a pretty wise and valiant group.

Freedom is a broad term, thankfully. As long as we can avoid having those silly displays of impotent power usually found in those banana republics where they roll tanks, missiles and troops by a viewing stand occupied by a dictator and his/her cronies.....oh, wait a minute. Never mind.
Not feeling the Fourth.  Don’t like what is happening.  If you’re ok with it either you don’t care or you are not paying attention.