Nola Viper Owners, Lend Me Your Amps

Hey all, I've been trying to do this on my own without a whole lot of success. I even sent Nola an email about amplification and got no response. I guess Carl didn't want to come off as biased towards one product or another, and that's cool.

I have been going back and forth between tubes and solid state gear for my Nola Viper IIa's. I've heard all the claims that Nola/Alons sound best or are viced with tubes, but I see that they also require a good deal of power to sound their best. As a result, I have been strongly considering the tube preamp, solid state power amp combo.

I'd like to know a couple of things; if I go tube power amp, how much tube power is required for the Nolas. If I go solid state can say, 125 watts do the job? Also, what are you guys using, all tubes, tube/ss combo, all solid state, and why?

For some info, I listen to all types of music, but I am a huge fusion fan where I listen to Jean Luc Ponty, Al Di Meola, Stanley Clarke and the like, so the music is hard driving and dynamic a lot of the time. However, I like my vocals too, both male and female, so the midrange has to be up to snuff as well.

Amps I've considered so far: Rogue, Dehavilland, Primaluna, Musical fidelity, McCormack, McIntosh, Primare and Emotiva. The only one that I have not heard is Primaluna.

Budget? I'm really trying to buy used but I will cough up the new price dough if there is a piece of gear that I decide that I have to have.

Thanks for looking and I look forward to responses.
Has anyone ever heard/tried the Manley gear with Alon/Nola speakers? Please share your thoughts.
Its been 4 years since I started this thread. Im updating to inform that I have a de Havilland Ultraverve 3 pre and McIntosh mc7150, good for 150 watts per channel. I can honestly say that this is the best that I've heard mysystem. I wont be cchanging either amp any time soon.
Hawk28 I just bought the KO's and will be running them with audiovalve challenger 180 mono's.
Are you still running your vipers; if so what speaker cables are you using?
I bought Nola blue thunder cables and have Transparent's Musicwave super to play with so far.
Hello i ve got good news for you  ive paired my nola 2as with fisher cx400 tube preamp with a mac 2500 sounds awsome i also ha have a set in my office with a harmon kardon citation one preamp with a mcCormack dna 2 lae edition sounds amazing 200 watts on the mcCormack amp i had it with my harmon kardon citation ii amplifier but the solid state did it for me with the preamp combo hope this helps