There are a lot of great suggestions here. The Cable Co. Library is a good resource as well. One suggestion I will make that I have not seen mentioned is THALES. Designed by Swiss watchmakers who meticulously craft the this cable to be the ultimate connector.
Although they are probably more expensive than you originally expected to spend, these cables will out perform cables that cost 3 to 4x their MRSP price.
These cables essentially disappear into the sound system. They accurately reveal a rich, musical, transparent, enormously detailed sound stage that is all together silent.
They could very well be the last Cables you ever invest in.
If name dropping helps - IMHO preferred them over these companies in descending order -
$$$$ Stage 3 Concepts
$$$$ Transparent
$$$ Analysis Plus
$$$$ Synergistic Research
$$$$ Nordost
$$$ Kimber
$$$$ MIT
$$ Audioquest
Good Luck