Take that filter off your water faucet. It won't do a damn thing. Think about it. Your water has to travel miles and miles through old crusty water pipe before it gets to your house. That filter won't help at all.
I guess you feel the same way about electricity. It has to travel a great distance to your house and is dirty power all the way. Nothing can make it better, right. I am a true believer that its the first 6 ft coming out of your electrical outlet to your system that starts to change the quality of the power. Power cords make a difference.
Take that filter off your water faucet. It won't do a damn thing. Think about it. Your water has to travel miles and miles through old crusty water pipe before it gets to your house. That filter won't help at all.
I guess you feel the same way about electricity. It has to travel a great distance to your house and is dirty power all the way. Nothing can make it better, right. I am a true believer that its the first 6 ft coming out of your electrical outlet to your system that starts to change the quality of the power. Power cords make a difference.