What’s your vote for the most ridiculous, overpriced, and useless tweak?

My vote: Furutech Outlet Cover 105 NCF $220, with “special crystalline material that has two “active” properties.” https://www.thecableco.com/outlet-cover-105-ncf.html


Take that filter off your water faucet. It won't do a damn thing. Think about it. Your water has to travel miles and miles through old crusty water pipe before it gets to your house. That filter won't help at all.

I guess you feel the same way about electricity. It has to travel a great distance to your house and is dirty power all the way. Nothing can make it better, right. I am a true believer that its the first 6 ft coming out of your electrical outlet to your system that starts to change the quality of the power. Power cords make a difference.
Power cords. No question there. If you think a fancy power cord will make the difference, when the remainder of your house wiring is barely equal to a cheap power cord, you are deluding yourself.

>>>>>Actually, now that you mention it, I don’t mind deluding myself as long as I get good results. Heck, I don’t even care if it’s only a placebo effect. I’ll take it! 🤗
"I’m giving serious consideration to letting glubson win one of these times just to keep him in the game."
Do not worry geoffkait, I am not trying to win. In fact, I have fun reading your inaccuracies and attempts at cool ideas with half a merit. They do have some merit some of the time, I agree. Had it only not been for other parts of the story that change the relevance of your views...

Has anyone mentioned "The Cable Cooker"?
Not to turn this into a cable thread, but speaking about tweaks or minutia of audiophilia, does anyone know what this means...

"...is not a permanently directional cable; it can be used in either direction. However, we pay close attention to direction of manufacture of all points, from wire to cable, and identify this by placing arrows on the y-out barrels. Arrow (>) would point away from the source (power amplifier), and toward the load (loudspeaker). Connecting it like this ensures matching channel fidelity, increased burn-in speed, and allows the user to easily identify direction after cable or gear swapping."
Is it "it is both directions anyway but, in case you care, we got you covered"? At least it seems honest.