As geoffkait likes to point out, serious companies take care of directionality from the beginning so maybe all those circuits are done in whatever direction was preferred.
My only issue with all of that, Walkman conductor directionality, is in its moving nature. Once you tweak it right and then walk and turn the corner, it gets misaligned in respect to all the magnetic forces acting in the Universe. Not to mention seismic vibrations. Then you tweak it until the next corner, I guess.
geoffkait, "Glubson, I’m afraid that’s not even close." You may be right. I got the idea, or maybe they did, from the fact that SONY upcharges $1000 for a Walkman with better wiring. It is not wires only, they also have a different chassis material, but wires are prominently marketed. Looking at the picture, they may not be more than 2cm long. Note the "advanced cable design" statement... https://www.sony.com/electronics/walkman/nw-wm1zI also hope it would make you proud that they do say it takes 200 hours for capacitors to start working at their best. |
"Pop Quiz. Win a free prize! 🤗
There are four obvious technical errors in the following paragraphs from the Von Schweikert technical description of the MasterBuilt Ultra Speaker Wire. Grammatical errors don’t count. Get all four right and win a prize." It is hard to narrow errors to only four. Would they be called "technical" or "just errors" is less important. It reads like someone from the Department of Transportation tried to make a joke. Electrons making screeching noises when jumping curbs or colliding with other vehicles. Some of them carrying heavier loads, some lighter, which makes braking performance different. I wonder how far would this go, how much would it cost, if someone approached the company and asked for upgraded cables in a Walkman. Let’s say, whatever little wire is there to be upgraded. Maybe, while they are at that, even ask them to design a better headphone jack. What number would it be for that custom project? $10 000? $117 000? |
"The Von Schweikert Audio MasterBuilt Ultra speaker internal wiring upgrade, prices $15,000 to $37,500." Are they controlled for directionality? Not a word about it. Otherwise, certainly in the running for the most overpriced tweak on the market. |
Is the power cable same as power conditioner? It almost seems they would be interchangeable, if the power cord changes whatever comes in so drastically.
I just did, but doubt such a device had not been mentioned earlier in this thread. |
Not to turn this into a cable thread, but speaking about tweaks or minutia of audiophilia, does anyone know what this means... "...is not a permanently directional cable; it can be used in either direction. However, we pay close attention to direction of manufacture of all points, from wire to cable, and identify this by placing arrows on the y-out barrels. Arrow (>) would point away from the source (power amplifier), and toward the load (loudspeaker). Connecting it like this ensures matching channel fidelity, increased burn-in speed, and allows the user to easily identify direction after cable or gear swapping." Is it "it is both directions anyway but, in case you care, we got you covered"? At least it seems honest. |
I was hoping to be in the future on those days you are here. No break for the weary, I guess. |
Future seems like a pleasant place to be then. At least on some days. |
So it is me that is in the Mpingo tree? I doubt it. I do not think I have ever seen one although I have finally seen Zelkova.
I will check in my botany book although I know the basics of what could be in the tree.
Keep on planting. Mpingo seems to be in danger. |
geoffkait, "I’ve also reversed engineered a Mpingo Disc. Bet that makes you jealous, too." I am not of a jealous kind. This is the first time that I am aware of someone claiming to reverse-engineer wood. Isn’t that called "planting a tree"? |
geoffkait, "Glubson, some friendly advice. Stay in school." Thanks. I took your advice even before you gave it. Back to Mpingo discs. Anyone mentioned them? |
In practice. (Of listening to reproduced sounds).
Not in theory and practice of the Universe set-up.
Has anyone mentioned Mpingo discs? |
"Since the entire building and everything in it is moving..." In practice, pretty erroneous statement, geoffkait. |
"Since the entire building and everything in it is moving..."
What about us who do not live on the boat? |
I’ll go with spirit, for now. |
"As I just got through saying you cannot reverse power cords either, obviously. Duh!" Too late! So, that is what all those sparks were about? |
"I’m giving serious consideration to letting glubson win one of these times just to keep him in the game." Do not worry geoffkait, I am not trying to win. In fact, I have fun reading your inaccuracies and attempts at cool ideas with half a merit. They do have some merit some of the time, I agree. Had it only not been for other parts of the story that change the relevance of your views... Has anyone mentioned "The Cable Cooker"? |
geoffkait, "Are posting drunk again, glumpy?" No, it would not be me. |
I guess, you see what you decided you will see. |
In the link above, as removed from pertinence about audio reproduction as it is, there are two moments that emphasize limits of isolation.
At around 2:45, word "relatively" and at around 6:45 "bonding them" ("connecting them", one could say).
In fact, there is much more later in the video, but those two are enough for aspiring novices. |
Connection 101, not for the uninitiated...
Anything that connects to another something is a connector. To a certain desirable extent it can be an isolator, too, but is a connector.
Which property practically prevails depends on multitude of factors, but isolators mentioned earlier are connectors. |
It’s a beginner's mistake to think that any isolation device, attached to what it is isolating, is not a connection device at the same time. Thread or line cannot be physically separated from what they are attached to. You don’t want to break any laws of science, or logic, do you?
"Calling a very old princess "queen loser" does not reveal the most refine level of thinking …." It does reveal the same for responses. |
"...to a very old princess indeed!" Isn't very old princess usually a queen? At least she is a "queen-loser". |
Fishing line is not an isolator. It is a connector. It connects ceiling with cables. |
No, but I could be your math teacher. We will start with 1+1+1.
Pop quiz, how much is that?
I have never had luck with timber. Timbre heard after hitting it while riding a bicycle was anything but pleasant. It resonated for a while. Pebbles yielded similarly unpleasant result.
"...I just gave you the answer two posts ago. 😛" ……………… ">>>>I trust you, jitter. As long as you know it. You win! "
??????????????😛 |