New Magnepan 1.7 Owner

Hi guys. I'm the proud owner of really, my first pair of Magneplanar speakers (I only spent a few days with the MG12 and decided to upgrade). I picked up my 1.7's yesterday in the aluminum trim. I will post a review soon.

Anyway, I wanted to ask a few questions about the simplest of upgrades, replacing the tweeter jumpers and fuses.

I need recommendations on fuses and most importantly, where I can purchase them. Also, I don't know much about electronics but I think the value of the fuse is the same as the 1.6 correct? 4A Large Fast Blow?

Also, tweeter jumpers. I have some Audioquest Banana connectors and some Audioquest speaker wire, should I remove the stock jumpers and replace them?

Thanks guys, much appreciated.
I use the Cardas jumper kit with banana ends from and Hi-Fi Tuning fuses from on my Maggie 3.6R's. The Cable Company sells Hi-Fi fuses too, as well as lots of other places. I have Gold ones, but have never tried the silver onees. Both are reasonably priced, and you can get the jumpers on sale during summer sometimes. Signal Cable sells jumpers too.

Good luck. I will watch for your review of the latest and greatest...
I'm not necessarily recommending them because I didn't try to detect any sound improvement when I used them (I got speaker cables and jumpers at the same time and installed them all), but Anti-jumpers from Speltz may be an option for you. I liked the speaker cables.
You may want to try the Supplied resistor first to see how the tweeter level meets your room acoustics.
I don't know about the 1.7 but I've always found replacing stock jumpers to high quality jumpers to provide a substantial audible improvement in regular dynamic speakers. It is just about the most consistent and cost effective improvement I've ever seen.
Thanks for the info guys! I've checked out Audio Asylum and that seems to be the place to be. Review coming soon.