Our Responsibility

As my music system competes with fireworks in the background (4th of July, after 9 pm) I’ve been reflecting on John Darko’s recent post (linked below). Specifically this section:

"Being a hi-fi enthusiast isn’t about the gear we own, the music we listen to or in which format. It’s about how we listen: attentively and mindfully, to the music AND to others."

Perhaps the significance and import of this very special day in our national history has opened up a window within me, to explore this further.

I’m asking our community: What is it that we can do to share and expand our interest and hobby, and this special love of music, with others?

From Darko.Audio: https://darko.audio/2019/07/the-know-it-all-audiophile-threatens-community-expansion/
Oh boy, there is always someone in every crowd that wants everyone to know their feelings about religion or politics. Almost like a badge of honor or a membership to club. If the analogy didnt suck I might be inclined to allow it. Of course kosst is correct about sharing the experience but this point have been made without the soapbox.

Post removed 
ianrodger +1,

Nicely said, as if I were looking back, but without the kids. 😀

All the best,

I think it’s human nature to share with others what you enjoy, and just like many of us in this forum. We were somewhere where we could be introduced to a music system that captured our attention.

Hoping that we can pass the baton on, by introducing quality playback to others who may embrace the passion we have shared, I think it’s brilliant.

What that person may or not do if they get such an experience, it’s up to them I suppose.


I generally appreciate your remarks and insight, and you're usually right.  But, there's 6 standards to meet the threshold of Fraudulent Representation, as opposed to "Puffery" and the court system takes a pretty dim view of the fraud part.  It's actually quite illegal.

Overselling may be a part of the audio culture, but if the wheels are set in motion by the manufacturer and it involves outright lying,  it puts the manufacturer in a very vulnerable spot.  All it takes is for somebody to get screwed, then get mad and be able to document what happened... and there's either a quiet settlement or court case that resonates throughout the industry.  Watch what happens with this one.