Speakers better than Revel Salon 2

In all my searching of speakers the ones that keep coming up as a gold standard for great sound are the Revel Salon 2. They are also 10 years old so I figure there are speakers that are better. I propose 4 tiers of suggestions (common used price or msrp):

1) Speakers that are in the same ballpark price of the Salon 2. Say $10-20k.
2) Speakers that are more pricey: $20-50k
3) Speakers that are very pricey: $50k-$100k
4) Eye twitch Speakers: $100k+

Please only make suggestions if you have heard the Salon 2 yourself. Thanks!
@lexicon Wow Im surprised the Tannoy Ardens beat the Salon 2! 

@jacksky Legacy aeris interests me, also whisper and above.

I wonder about Magico A3, S3 mk2 also vs salon 2.

The only problem I ever have with teh Legacy's are their tipped up high end.  I like the Revels better, but that's my ear.  I'm a Vandy owner and don't like a tipped up tweeter.  I love the Tidal speakers, but have always heard them in a perfect set up with matching gear and electrical, lol.