Question about internet connection to streamer

Does the connection (wired or wireless) affect sound quality?
If using CAT 5 cable, is there a difference in “quality” between different cables?  Does the length of cable make a difference?
I did a careful listening test between wi-fi and a very long Cat 5 cable, and the cable was the clear winner.  I now use generic Cat 6 cable.   Bit the dust and made a small  hole in the floor for it.  Learned how to terminate.
when I went from non-shielded generic ethernet cable to a shielded, I heard an immediate and obvious change in sound that I liked: more detail, better spatial qualities etc. I was shocked but it was a short money expense to try a shielded cable. I stream all my music from Qobuz with a Lumin
I do want to add that defective Ethernet cables are more common than one might think. I wasted about a day troubleshooting a problem before finding a defective generic Cat 5e cable. When I replaced the cable with another Cat 5e cable, the problem was solved.

After that, I bought an inexpensive network cable tester from Amazon. It will not test data rates but at least does a thorough job of checking continuity and correct wiring.
I don't hear any difference but I'm sure they will be making ones for thousands of dollars soon.