Want a new amp but what to get?

I'm using an Athem STR Preamp with a Rotel 1582 MKII. My speakers are Focal 948's with a JL Audio e-110. I stream Tidal and Qobuz hi-fi through a laptop. Am also open to suggestions for streamers. Budget for the amplifier could go as high as 5k maybe a little more. I'm more interested in finding a good match than spending loads of cash. I want a good quality well built amp that holds it's value and will last a long time and of coarse mix well with what I already have. Anyone have any informed suggestions?
For a good match, why not the Anthem STR amp? I have found that sometimes mating amp and preamp from the same company can give synergy.

Another choice of a well-built amp that will last a long time is the Bryston 4B3. I am using that with the STR preamp and think it’s a great match.
Benchmark AHB2. If you want more power you can buy another down the line and strap them. I do not own this amp but I have had them in my system and I do use Benchmark’s ADC. Benchmark is a commercial electronics manufacturer and their pricing is less abusive than Pure Audio companies. So, you get much more for the money. Their stuff is beautifully made, 1st class and surprisingly small but don’t let that fool you. The AHB2 handled my speakers, full range ESLs without any difficulty. VERY quiet, neutral, dynamic little powerhouse. The only other amp I am familiar with of the same value is the Parasound JC-1 which is no longer available new. The little amp runs circles around amps weighing and costing a lot more.
Oh, and with the money you save you can get another sub😎