Pathos Classic One MKiII vs. my separates

I have been thinking of downsizing my rig by going back to a hybrid integrated amplifier. I currently use a Jolida Fusion preamp with a BEL 1001 MK V amp to drive a pair of Esoteric MG 10 speakers (87dB sensitive, 6 ohms nominal dropping to 3.8 somewhere below 2000ohms).  I enjoy the Jolida/BEL combo, change is just for the downsize. I like the idea of tube pre/SS output of hybrid integrateds, having owned a Vincent in the past.  The Pathos is currently on offer here on AG. Asking for thoughts from members with knowledge of the Pathos. Thanks.
I would go for another MK3. If I had a larger room & speakers, that would be my choice. Just don't need the extra power in my current setup.

I love the sound quality that I have! The Boenickes are out of this world, and I just don’t want to give up the harmony that i’ve.

Hate big black boxes, why hi fi brands don’t invest a bit more in looks... Like Pathos, McIntoch, Gato, Nagra...
Hifioutlaw, I am not familiar with the Boenickes. I believe results from using two Pathos Model ones in bridged mode would be dependent on the reasons the Boenickes are power hungry, sensitivity or impedance. The Pathos are rated at 70wpc into 8ohms and 130 into 4 ohms. As I understand it, bridging works best when watts are needed, due to low sensitivity, however if low impedance is at play then current is important. It has been explained that current delivery is reduced in a bridged amplifier. Others may explain this better.

I still have the Pathos, can't seem to part with it, smooth non analytical sound, great looks. 
Hi Mesch, in fact the Boenickes are power hungry, they are rated between 83-86db at 4ohms.

This week will drive to Pathos dealer and ask for a home demo with an extra Classic One MK3. 
Love this hybrid, and after buying the Boenickes W5 i’m just in hi fi heaven. But for me to extract the best of them a new amp is recommended, but, replace a very good sounding amp with stellar looks is not easy, so, what’s best then a Pathos Classic One...?
Two Pathos Classic One I suppose... 

Here is my system at the present date.

That's a generous sound on your video; kudos. However, it can be improved several ways starting with a second Pathos and going mono. 

Having reviewed and owned a pair of Pathi, I concur that it's a great package overall. If I still owned them, and there are times I kick myself for selling them, I would use my Schroeder Method of Interconnect Placement in order to obtain the best sound from them. I'm pretty certain that had I known about the double IC method back then, I could have gotten them to perform far better than more expensive separates.

And they look SO fantastic for an affordable product!!!! 

Before you consider doing the Schroeder Method, know that it is an at your own risk proposition, and you would benefit from reading my article on it at, as well as the thread here on the cable forum that bears my name. You will note that everyone who has tried it here has been extremely pleased. At this point caution is advised in regard to using it with NOS DACs that send the signal direct from the DAC chip, and class D amps. Check with your manufacturer if you have any questions about compatibility. 

Regarding outperforming separates using Schroeder Method, that would be a relative superiority, as it would be expected that were I to place the double ICs between the separates they likely once again would outperform. The question is, however, at what cost? I am confident that I could get the Pathi to perform on the level of most separates at a minimum of double the cost, given that the separates were using single ICs. 

I presume you have worked with aftermarket power cords; if not, you need to. Also, you may wish to roll tubes with the Pathos, as it is efficacious and typically not costly.  :)