Having heard the Tidal Contriva Dicera SEs last year at both the RMAF and CES, I bought them and now have them settled in. I still find them the best speakers I have heard.
I heard the Kaweros last year and had no interest in them and I also heard the Tidal Sunrays at CES and had no interest in them either.
This year I will spend some time listening to the Lansche speakers brought into the US by Aaudio imports. I am told by others that they are superior to the Contrivas, but I have to hear for myself. I have always loved plasma tweeters, but beginning with the Ionovacs have never found them to mate with other drivers. I must say that several CESs ago I heard what I recall being the Lansche Model 8s at CES. Everything in the system was foreign to me, but I was very impressed.
This year's RMAF promises to be very interesting to me. I doubt very seriously that I would consider replacing the Tidal Contrivas, however.