Hi Murat, I believe with this discussion we very much enter a realm of taste. Personally, I join the chorus and say I'm perfectly satisfied with the bass my Contivas deliver. It is clean, fast, goes very deep and is downright visceral where the music is intended to be. In my perception the Contriva's bass is simply "correct". Mind you, I consider myself a bass buff and like to hear a system thunder now and then, but I tend to get tired from what I would perceive as overblown.
I would see an analogy in wine with some big and extremely extracted Priorats. I was head over heels for a short period of time, a wonderful experience to have made. But not a wine to stack the cellar with, as it will never show the finesse nor the "queue du paon" of subtle aromas that I'm looking for personally. Still, some of them are truly great wines, my predilection is not going to change that.
So, I cross my fingers that you'll find a speaker able to move your sofa ;^) and that otherwise has the virtues of a Contriva.