Harbeth-7es or Fritzspeakers carbon-7

These are 2 speakers that people always rave about. I haven't heard either. The Harbeths are sold through traditional B&M stores stores so you have to pay the full mark-up. The Fritz speakers are sold direct so you don't pay the dealer mark-up. I'm wondering If these speakers are comparable. The Harbeths retail for 3500.00 and the Fritz speakers sell for 1750.00. I would Imagine the Fritz speakers would retail for about 3000.00 If they were sold through normal distribution channels. If anyone here have heard both I would love to hear your comments.

I was hoping to get the Harbeth sound for 1750.00. From what you are telling me that is not going to happen.
You can get the Harbeth 7es2 for that amount and it is also superior to the Fritz.
Would definitly look into the Salk, too. It is a floorstander.
Do you have a local dealer that would let you listen to the Harbeth's? I own the Fritz Carbon 7s, and before that the Totem Arro's. I find the Carbon 7s to be far superior speaker to the Totem's.

Of course, you may find the Totem's more preferable. The Totem's are more analytical, where the Carbon 7s are smoother.