Do you have to be “in the mood?”

Do you have to be in the mood to enjoy the music on your stereo, or does your stereo put you in the mood?  I find that if I put on my set just because I want to enjoy the sound coming out, I seldom have a very good outcome.  That expensive big beautiful rig over there invites you to play it.  But, playing it just for kicks doesn’t do it for me. I have to be really receptive to what I’m playing on it, otherwise I’m prone to all sorts of imagined defects. 
 Music reproduction is not an exact science.  There must be a “suspension of disbelief” in the realness  of the sound produced for me  to enjoy it,  much as we overlook the  implausible incongruities in movie plots so that we can enjoy a film.   I must be involved in the music itself to  appreciate  the sound and really enjoy my rig.
It occurs to me that this not unlike another of your recent questions: “Music lover or audiophile?”; but, considered from a somewhat different angle. You pose some interesting and sometimes provocative questions, but I think that there can be a downside to overanalyzing the music listening experience. My comments are not meant to be judgmental in any way and are simply a reflection of my personal approach.

I love my gear and have no trouble admitting that there are times when I like to revel in the sound for the sake of the sound; the “ear candy” aspect of it all. I can’t tolerate listening to music that I don’t consider to be of at least reasonably high artistic quality no matter how good the sound, but there are recordings in my collection that simply sound so good that their ultimate musical merit takes a back seat to their sonic merit. I have no trouble admitting this because when all is said and done I love music more than my gear or the “sound”. I may not always have the time to listen, but I can honestly say that I am never not “in the mood”. Like all of us, I am always in one kind of mood or another and whatever that mood is dictates what music I listen to. Moreover, when a recorded performance absolutely kills artistically it doesn’t matter that much whether I am listening on my big system or my car radio. Of course, when that great performance also sounds great and the time/scheduling stars align so that I can listen to it on the big rig the experience can be special. Sometimes, depending on my mood, I prefer to not take a chance that I may start to worry about my four year old power tubes. Sometimes there can be an upside to keeping it all more simple.
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Most nights I sit in front of the rig and read while I listen, and sometimes just listen. There are occasional evenings when I just don't feel like listening, and that's ok. It just makes the next time more special. Being critical of the system's sound rarely effects my enjoyment.  
I believe that I am always in the mood and looking for an opportunity to fire up the system usually with a predetermined play list (90% vinyl) with that said my system is in a shared space and have to wait till the opportunity presents itself for my indulgence. Have been retired for 6 years but it seems things have gotten busier and if I don't get my audio time it wears on me, I need that release it really helps me relax. With my system being in a shared space I have assembled a very nice headphone system in my upstairs office that I can get away to and get that release, oh and by the way it always sounds good and satisfies. Cheers
@rvpiano, unfortunately it sounds as if you're still held in the throes of audiophilia. I'd like to think I'm out of that bag now, the message has become far more important than the medium for me in recent years. Certain songs never fail to evoke emotions. Eg Another Girl, Another Planet makes me feel 18 again, Yesterday When I Was Young reminds me that I'm not. Ben (Marti Webb) never fails to move me, nor does Lili Marlene ( Lale Andersen). The Lighthouse Family's Lost in Space gets my attention whatever it's played on.

Perhaps you could try taking a musical trip down memory lane to help get your sense of focus back. Music matters, but only if it moves us. Best of luck.

Of course mood also matters, how could it not? With the right kind of company, the right weather, the right food inside me, and no discernible pain or worry of any kind, everything is better.
