Why are there so many PS Audio BHK-mono or stereo amps for sale? What Gives?

Yes there are no absolutes in audio and every situation is different. I’m curious about These amps. Is it that so many who never had tubes wanted to try them? Is it that they are mis-matched; why are there so many BHK amps for sale, either stereo 250 or 300 mono’s? People are not keeping them and I want to know from experienced owners who kept or sold them?

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And exactly what makes them turkeys. Have you heard one
 Explanation please.
These amps are NOT turkeys, they are, in my opinion, quite nice. Yes, I have a BHK 250, but I am certainly not alone in that. Are they the world’s best amp? Nope, actually nothing is, you said it yourself; “there are no absolutes in audio and every system is different”.

Not sure how you are quantifying “many”, but I have seen many listings for these amps and a lot (more than than half I’d say) are from dealers selling new. TMR Audio also sells lots of used PS Audio equipment that was traded in to PS Audio. There are quite a few folks who have traded in a BHK 250 to get the 300 monos, so keep that in mind.