Wharfedale Linton 85TH Anniversary Speakers

Does anyone own these speakers or have heard them?  I am interested in your impressions.  I am thinking of setting up a third system based on a tube integrated (TBD) with these speakers for Jazz listening. Source would be a SACD Player.   I have been looking at the speakers and the stands for under 1500.00.  I haven’t heard a Wharfedale since 1970 when we sold their bookshelf speakers in the audio store I worked in.  You filled the compartment in the rear with sand to tune them.  If I remember, it was a nice warm British Sound.  
  1. just got a pair with red mahogany finish. so far so good. great soundstage with excellent low end. will know more after a couple hundred hours to break them in. 
alain465, would you mind letting us know what the rest of your system consist of?

Also, your preferred music genre(s)?
I heard them at AXPONA and they were quite good. That was my lasting impression. I liked the throwback look also.