Its my first tube! (Preamp)

I just got my vintage accuphase p-300 back from my techs. It’s been totally restored, and needs a simple preamp. I’m thinking I’d like to try tubes. I could go with vintage or new. I have not chosen speakers for it yet, but will probably choose something smallish as this will be the Bedroom system. So far I’ve been looking at the Schiit freya, but I’m open to suggestions. Used or new, under $750! 
+1 ARC SP9 vI, II or III depending on your budget. I just sold one that I used with a Threshold amp of similar vintage and, I suspect, sound profile to your P300. The combo sounded great with several Vandys and Thiels over the years.
SP9 has two tubes, one each in the line and phono stages so easy to roll if you decide to go down that rabbit hole ;)
Schiit makes good products for the money with positive reviews. I think you should stick w/ you original idea of a Freya. The Saga+ would also be a good option for a bedroom system. I have the Mani, soon to have the Modi3, with their pre and power on the horizon.
@curiousjim I do plan on vinyl! I have a new Marantz reference Tt and a vintage dual Tt.  
@bhkati-rider I will definitely look at ascend! I’ve been looking at some used snell ($150!!) and some Zu Omen bookshelves ($1800)