Name 3 classic mini-monitors worth keeping- Why?

Anyone can name any 3 classic moni-monitors which worth keeping? and why?

Technics SB C700 monitor, Diapason Adamantes, Omega RS8, Tekton IM, Norh 9.0 marble Speakers...I own all of them, I still have them, Alnico Omega as well...
This is a very loaded question what constitutes classic? Currently in production or not?

If Classic means greater than 10 years or older:

Spica TC 50
Celestiion SL 600 and 700
Harbeths most smaller models
Proac Tablette and Response monitors
Monitor Audio Studio 10
Kef Ref 201.2 
B&W 805 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

Most of the above speakers are nice but not classics. To start with most above are not 'mini' monitors and to be clear I'm not denigrating any of them.

Arguably the Rogers LS35a *does* fit that description though.

Possibly also the Radio Shack Optimus ProLX5, which used the Linaeum tweeter and played *well* outside its price bracket as a result.

To be fair, it might help to know what is meant by 'classic'. Older? or something more than just old?