If you're dropping MQA, then Paradigm PW AMP, with room correction, on sale for $225.00 through Paradigm. Doesn't have 32 bit. Have you taken a look at 32bit files sizes? a 6 minute song of 32/384 is 1TB!
If you want a little more power, SVS Soundbase for $500.
It's an office system, so I would think small size would be preferable. Remember KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid.
Ordering something on Ebay from UK, that can't be return, is a big gamble.
Ultimately, it's your decision. Buy something that your comfortable with.
If you want a little more power, SVS Soundbase for $500.
It's an office system, so I would think small size would be preferable. Remember KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid.
Ordering something on Ebay from UK, that can't be return, is a big gamble.
Ultimately, it's your decision. Buy something that your comfortable with.