I also own the Avalon Opus, and I do not play them loud. My pair have a light ring of discoloration around the center of the tweeter, so I called Avalon. I was told that the discoloration is generally normal and not a problem.
Basically it comes from a small amount of ferrofluid coming in contact with the ceramic through the gap of the voice coil. If you can hear a problem in the tweeter, or you cant hear the tweeter then you can have them replaced, but tech support at Avalon said they have received tweeters back that were almost completely black in the center that still played and measured correctly.
Basically it comes from a small amount of ferrofluid coming in contact with the ceramic through the gap of the voice coil. If you can hear a problem in the tweeter, or you cant hear the tweeter then you can have them replaced, but tech support at Avalon said they have received tweeters back that were almost completely black in the center that still played and measured correctly.