Bedini Clarifier II, FuruTech RD-1 etc

Does anyone use a disc de-magnitizer that they feel improves sound? FuruTech model is being pushed as improvement over Bedini Ultra- Clarifier II, faster-once a year application-more uniform application etc. Cable Co, Galen Carol and others say it is the best but $300 price is expensive for a "tweak" item. I just purchased heavy duty tape de-magnitizer from radio shack for $38 that I am playing with now, too soon to report my findings.....any comments or observations are welcome.....regards Sam
I enjoy my Bedini Clarifier 2, and wouldn't even consider spending more. It's that good. The other models are a good way for the dealers who carry them to help make their Mercedes payments. If you want to help your dealer out with his luxurious perks, then go right ahead.
Carl, do you find Bedini must be used every time CD is played, to get max benefit? Which Cds benefit most from clarifacation, and what areas of sound are enhanced? I must say Bedini II at $150 is easier to swallow, regards Sam
They're all a bunch of crap. Don't you people realize that CDs are made of aluminum and plastic? Neither of those are magnetic. Even if there were trace elements of cobalt, nickel, or iron, it would be too insignificant to have any effect. We're only talking a few molecules here. It's right up there with green marker pens and the YBA blue light. And Voodoo, and.... I'm open to arguements. Let's have it...