Is rack between speakers always less than ideal?

I am planning a dedicated stereo system around a pair of standmounts but not sure what to do about gear placement. I can either have a tall rack off to the side or a low wide rack in the center. I am leaning toward center rack to avoid long interconnects.

The center rack would be 6 inches behind the plane of the rear of the speaker and would be about 75% of the speaker stand height. Width is approximately from the inside of one speaker to the inside of the other.

I understand that TV's and large objects directly in between the speakers can affect soundstage but what about something not technically between the speakers but slightly behind and below? Would something like this be sonically invisible, or would having "nothing" there be even better?
No, it is not "always" less than ideal. Let the space and ergonomics of the room be the deciding factor. If you look at my systems you will notice the different setups. Both systems soundstage just fine but as always a bit different. I would think the low/wide would be easiest to implement.
Having a TV, first a 36 XBR then a 40" monitor, between the main LR speakers did not interfere with 2 dimensional imaging, but it did with depth imaging. When I installed front projection, depth imaging substantially improved. I use balanced lines to the amps with short speaker leads with excellent result.


"No, it is not "always" less than ideal."

I notice you don't have a rack between your speakers.

BTW, it appears, from your photos, you are sitting too far from your ESP's. They are designed to cross approximately at your knees.

It has been my experience a rack or anything else for that matter between the speakers is less than ideal.
I notice you don't have a rack between your speakers.

(The main system has the rack to the side and my secondary system is in between)

BTW, it appears, from your photos, you are sitting too far from your ESP's. They are designed to cross approximately at your knees.

( I don't like speakers set up nearfield. They were demoed at RMAF 2007 without a nearfield configuration. The speakers are set 8 feet apart center to center and my ears are approx 10-11 feet away.)

I would agree that in this setup no rack between the speakers is preferable.
Rhljazz, No problem, all you have to do is spread the speakers farther apart and everything will improve. I personally used ESP Concert Grands as I was one of ESP's few dealers.