Bedini Clarifier II, FuruTech RD-1 etc

Does anyone use a disc de-magnitizer that they feel improves sound? FuruTech model is being pushed as improvement over Bedini Ultra- Clarifier II, faster-once a year application-more uniform application etc. Cable Co, Galen Carol and others say it is the best but $300 price is expensive for a "tweak" item. I just purchased heavy duty tape de-magnitizer from radio shack for $38 that I am playing with now, too soon to report my findings.....any comments or observations are welcome.....regards Sam
They're all a bunch of crap. Don't you people realize that CDs are made of aluminum and plastic? Neither of those are magnetic. Even if there were trace elements of cobalt, nickel, or iron, it would be too insignificant to have any effect. We're only talking a few molecules here. It's right up there with green marker pens and the YBA blue light. And Voodoo, and.... I'm open to arguements. Let's have it...
Magnetism of the plastic or the aluminum has far less to do with it, than does the potential energy (static electricity polarization) of the polycarbonate, IMHO. Shayner, don't you think I was skeptical at first, too? I'm not an utter fool, here..........Sam, I've NOT noticed that it affects some discs more than others, seems to be the same always, even on CD-R's. I use it every time I play a disc, if I want to get the maximum benefit. I don't always use it, though. It's nice to be able to choose to use it, or not to. And NO, I'm not one of the "hypertweakers" that feels the need to not only use the green pen, but draw complex star shapes all over the discs. Whether or not that might make an improvement, I'm just not willing to do it. it's time cosuming enough to polish them with Laserguide, and that's necessary. Afterall, polycarbonate is hardly true "highend optical lens quality" material, and the Laser Guide helps as much or more than the Bedini Clarifier. I've compared..............What I hear the Clarifier doing: I notice that detail and dynamics are increased, fatigue goes way down, and smoothness through the whole range is improved. All of those are cliches, but unless I do a comparison right now with a specific CD, I can't get any more detailed than those tired expressions. IT'S LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE, YOU TRY IT, IF IT WORKS FOR YOU, YOU BUY IT. Here's another tired expression: "nuff said"....
Shayner, tweak items are very interesting because many times the exact scientific reason why they effect the sound is not fully understood. April/2000 issue of Stereophile page 193, Robt Duetsch tries Furutech unit and claims he hears improvement especially on frequently played CDs, and says Furutech provides FFT spectral analysis showing reduction of noise and distortion. My own experiments with heavy duty radio shack de-magnetizer have caught my attention, and I will pursue are obviously correct that aluminum is not magnetic, but motor that drives CD has some magnetic flux which may be stored on CD? Who knows but the quest of the audiophile is to try different things, and use what works best in your system, regards....Sam
Hi guys. If you want to get rid of static charge on your CDs, Carl, just clean the damn things. Also, CDs won't store magnetic anything, because they're not magnetic. Hey, Carl, maybe if you used a pen to draw on the CDs so they looked more like vinyl, they would sound better. HA! Just kidding. You're a good man. All I'll say is that if it sounds better to you, go for it. The main goal of this hobby is enjoyment, and if that's what it provides, go for it. Happy listening, people!
Shayner, I just love to read posts from individuals like yourself. It's really comical how someone as yourself, a supposed audiophile, can make such a useless statement... "it would be too insignificant to have any effect". From this statement I can only draw the conclusion that you simply haven't even tried a product like the Furutech RD1 CD Demagnetizer. Note: you did not say that you can not hear a difference. You simply stated that "it would be too insignificant to have any effect". How the hell do you know? Did you try it? So then why don't you let everyone here know whether or not you have listened for yourself and drawn your own conclusion. You see, the major difference here is that dedicated audiophiles like myself will try near anything they get their hands on to improve their system performance and then audition for extended periods and ultimately decide if its' a step in the right direction and ultimately if its' worth the price. Well, in this system, the Furutech stayed. End of story!