I do feel sorry for Shayner, as he either 1) do not have extra cash to try out new products, 2) do not have a good system to bring out all the detail and good stuff from a CD, 3) cannot hear any different and just say NO to everything. I can guarrantee that if anyone that has even a decent mid-fi audio system (of course with good cables as well), they will hear an improvement IF the tweak do work. If a cheap CD player that can't pick up all the necessary signal from the CD that it suppose to, I don't think the tweak will help much. I have the luxury to own both the Clarifier I, and the RD-1, plus I tried the Radio Shack thing once when my audiophile friend visited me and bought along the Radio Shack tweak. We do many experiments and here is our observation. The Radio Shack tweak do work BUT it is just a "Better than nothing". The improvement from both the Clarifier and RD-1 are much better. The interesting part is that the Clarifier and RD-1 do improve sonic characteristic in different aspect. One do improve the detail of the high and the image is more focus, while the other do get a tigher bass, but the image is not as good. These symptoms can be created as will, as if the sonic char. is added on to the CD. Every time you apply one tweak to the CD, you will get one sonic char. If you apply the other tweak to the same CD, you will get another sonic char. HOWEVER, if you use the tweaks in a particular order, they will combind the sonic char. of both tweak!! I just don't know why, and it just like magic. I certainly think the Clarifier II will improve over the Clarifier I, but I don't have the money yet. I am happy to apply those tweaks on your CDs if you send me a couple of them of the same title, and let you be the judge.