Recommendation for used Amp to power Magnepan 1.6

I am searching for a used Solid state amp to drive my Magnepan 1.6 speakers. The amp will be paired with 20 year old Sonic Frontiers tube pre-amp. Have been using 40 w tube amps. Want to keep the price below $1000.00. I am considering a Belles 150a Hot Rod amp. Not sure if it has the power to drive my 86 dB maggies.

I would appreciate any feed back.

Richard Gray, who is a Maggie lover, told me that I needed 300wpc into 4 ohms to make my 3.6r's really perform. With his blessing I bought a used Parasound Halo A21 here on Audiogon. I've been very pleased with the results. 
I agree with @Ihassaguy. I own a pair of 1.7i Maggies. I had Schiit Vidar monoblocks. But I sold them because one channel went into thermal protection when I played Jeff Beck loudly. I think the best I can recommend for a reasonable price, but outside of your budget is the Bryston 4B3. There are plenty of used ones around. So you don’t have to buy a new one. They have plenty of power. When you get more cash, you can also get another one and run them in Bridge mode as monoblocks. 
If you can find the old PS Audio 200C in good working order, it puts out 200w/ch at 8 ohms, 400 at 4. I've seen them go for around $400. Check the power supply capacitors!
@Ihassaguy is correct.  High current and a quality item is best.  With Maggies, you only hear what you put in, so what you hear is whatever the designer of the amp wanted to feature.


I run my 1.7i’s with an old Anthem MCA 20. Great sounding amp and you can find one for well under your budget. 
