My Triad of Integrateds

Whenever someone says they are looking for an integrated, I think they should try brands:

  • Luxman
  • Pass
  • Ayre
  • Arcam (actually a lot like Ayre to my ears)

Because I hear them as quite different sounding. What about you? Is there a constellation of integrateds you think buyers should experience?

I'm sorry if you mistook my comments for upset, I am not nor would I have a right to be, its not my thread. Just thought it might be courteous to the OP to start another thread that focuses on your Audio Analogue love. That's all.

So, your triad of integrated amplifiers that you would recommend is still incomplete unless all three are AA. Have a great day.
@ghasley at this point the only upset person here is you, and I don’t even know why. Kind of strange. You’re not even familiar with the pieces (they make 3 integrateds, btw,😂).

@erik_squires I hope you’re not really upset on this matter

I assure you, I’m not upset or even mildly bothered. I wish you happiness with your AA gear, that’s why we are all here. Peace.
Damn I was gonna buy a Luxman, accuphase or pass integrated. Now I gotta buy an audio analogue. 
 A-Analogue was a suggestion based on my personal extensive audio journey, it’s a great amp and nobody can say otherwise without listening to it. As simple as that.

So far those sarcastic childish comments on AA are what they are - childish. I do realize for some folks having Pass or Luxman  is all it takes, but still there are facts and wishful thinking.