Nature Sounds CD's

this might seem like a strange question, but i'm looking for well recorded 'nature' cd's... rain storms, song birds, etc. i have bought a few and the sonic quality has been lacking.

any recommendations?

many thanks,
I have just been listening to five CDs from the Sounds of Nature” series by Chuck Plaisance and Suzanne Douchet. These are common, good value (cheap) and binaural. As an example: an amazon reviewer reported "Rolling Thunder" has human noises" (I reckon a TV) throughout. Its extremely low volume and not intrusive. I also hear occasional farmyard noises. The CD has no indexing (so you can't skip), headphone listeners have a drainpipe positioned next to the left ear, no lightning sounds, possibly some repetition of storms, and the dynamic range is compressed (thunder should sound like cannons firing). The alert reviewer says the same master tape was used for another CD in the same series. An unnecessary economy because thunderstorms are fairly common.
I purchased a mers&oceans CD by Fernand Deroussen.  The CD is binaural but not listed on his French language website ''naturophonia".  Fernand appears to record everything The first complete guide of sound stridulations of 55 species of grasshoppers of France, insects, animals, bird call compilations, local and overseas soundscapes, even has sounds to complement art exhibits. The sound bites are generous and the quality is excellent.  The links to other sites is particularly useful.