Need help overcoming room issues with new Home Theater

Hello everyone,,

So I finally decided to suck it up and remodel my basement and get rid of the wood trim and white ceiling tiles. I have a decent home theater system but the room was holding me back from having a enjoyable experience. The only problem is, due to animals, part of the remodel includes adding a laminate wood flooring. I know carpet is better but its just not an option. Is a large thick area rug my only option to try to save my sound? This is my main area for all viewing (TV, movies, games) and I don't want to be miserable because of the sound.

Also I planned on painting the ceiling a flat black but the girlfriend and I are debating on the color of the walls. I wanted a gray and she wants a dark purple. I'm not really sold on gray but would a dark purple cause any issues running a Sony VPLHW55ES projector? Any colors (other than bright ones) to avoid? Thanks

You are right to be concerned about the color. Even more than the floor. The floor you put a nice rug down in the area between you and the speakers and screen and you are good. Carpeting actually is a bit much. Many rooms are over damped. You’ll be fine on that.

But purple??! Yikes! You want to convince your girlfriend (which, why? Girlfriend? WTF cares what a girlfriend thinks???!) but if you do want to convince her its real easy. You get yourself some purple fabric, foot or two square, and another one a nice neutral gray like you want for your walls. Stand her in front of a mirror. Have her look at her face with the nice neutral gray draped across her shoulders. Then try the purple. While she is looking at how ghastly she looks you say that’s how all our movies are gonna look if we paint the walls purple.

Dark purple will be absolutely hideously awful. So awful you will probably break up with your girlfriend over it, then be stuck having to repaint, and when you do remember two coats, primer first to block out the hideous purple then your lovely neutral gray over the primer.

Also by the way in case you are wondering I went through the same and when the room was painted wall to wall and ceiling a nice neutral gray I was surprised how many people comment on how nice it looks. Not quite battleship gray, there is a hint of color to it but only a hint hard to pin down. Dark enough to keep the whole room from lighting up and washing out the contrast on the brighter scenes, light enough not to suck up all the light when the lights are on. Perfect. Totally sends the message this is a special room. Colors are a lame attempt at setting the mood. You don't want that. The whole idea here is the movie sets the mood. Neutral gray supports that message. Best thing you can do.
There are grays with a hint of lavender you might consider.Another suggestion for your floor is look at the higher end vinyl plank flooring.It's made to be installed where moisture could cause problems.
I do kitchens and baths, design and remodel, for a living. I used a dark purple, actually more of a plum with great results, but that was a bathroom, there was ceramic tile from the floor to a wall height of four feet , so there was only a four foot tall area that ran from the top of the tile up to the ceiling. You can use dark colors successfully but IMO a whole room done in in dark purple would be overkill and would not look as good as she thinks it would. How about your component wall or another wall in the purple for accent? 
I realize this might be out of the blue, but to get the best sound AND picture quality the correct color for room walls is blue. 🦋 Any shade of blue will do. Hey, that rhymes! 🤗 In case you’re wondering the ceiling should be green. Not institutional green like prisons and lunatic asylums. Grass green. 🐸