Is my room too small

My music room is 10 x 15 and I sit 12 feet away from my speakers. I see these Von Schweikerts vr-4 jr mk2 model on Agon. Great price, great reviews, but huge speakers. Is my room too small for these and if so how large can I go?
Long wall placement would be my suggestion as well. As mentioned previously the Audio Physics speaker placement method works very well, even with other brands of speakers. I used this method with a pair of Spendor speakers with great success. Don't be afraid to put your listening chair within a few feet of the rear wall. As mentioned, just make sure you have some thick absorption panels on that wall.
My room measures 11.5 by 14 and I sit very nearfield ( 54 in.) For the most part this works for me. Velodyne DDs' in stereo have helped a lot but have required a lot of work. POI small rooms pressurize ( as opposed to unfold wavelength) at a higher freq. So I guess my solution is small monitors worn as headphones sitting on subs.
You're fine at that room size. I've recently acquired a new home and gave up my much larger room. The room I'm in now is actually just slightly smaller than yours. I feared I'd not experience as good a soundstage, but I'm happy to report that wasn't the case. In some respects having a smaller room I've found the sound is less room dependent, and the overall experience is more intimate than I ever imagined possible. I experimented with long wall vs short wall placement, and chose long wall to give me greater listening distance. Speaker interactions with the room have been far less on the long wall as well.
