Which new amp to get?

I’m thinking of getting a new power amp to replace my 25 year old Audio Research VT 130 SE.  My other equipment includes KEF Reference 5 speakers, Audio Research LS 22 preamp, Audio Research PH 3 phono stage,  Innuous Zenith 3 server, and Auralic DAC. My room is about 24 x 18.  I’d like to keep using the Audio Research preamp and phono stage, and I’m leaning towards a solid state amp more because of convenience than for sound. I’ve received several good recommendations from dealers but am getting confused by all the choices.  So far, here are the nominees: Coda 8, Krell duo 175xd, McIntosh mc312, ps audio bhk250.  All are solid state in the $6-7,000 range, which is my price point .   Other suggestions have been Airtight (tubes and expensive) and Audio Research (more tubes and they make the VT80 for $9500.. possibly not enough power..but the next step up is close to $20,000).  I’m open to considering others.  Mainly, I want an amp that’s long lasting and low maintenance, pairs well with my preamp and phono stage, and compliments the KEF speakers, especially their great imaging and sound stage.  I’d appreciate any input and also hearing from those who own some of these components.  Thanks. 
Years ago I went from a VT200 to SS amps. Krell, Pass, and Musical Fidelity, all great in their own way. I still have the Pass and MF amps. Eventually I went back to ARC with a Ref 110. For me the occasional biasing and tube replacement is worth it.

With the solid state amps I always felt like something was missing. It’s hard to explain but the Ref 110 gets me closer than the SS amps ever did.

No doubt the convenience of SS is great. Not counting the hours on the tubes or rushing to turn the amp off to save hours is great. Not to mention less heat. Right now, for me, I’m loving my ARC amp.

Maybe  try auditioning a newer used Audio Research amp while you’re at it. You might change your mind about the convenience factor.
Long-lasting and low maintenance sounds like SS to me. About 18 months ago, I listened to a few solid-state amps roughly in your price category. I was then using a Classe CP-800 preamp to Janszen electrostatic speakers. Here are my three favorites--

I liked the Pass X250.8 very much, with its creamy midrange. I had to send it back because of the heat. Your room may tolerate that better than mine, and if so, I suggest you give it a listen. Reno Hifi is a good dealer IMO.

A second favorite for sound was the Classe CA-2300, now discontinued (or about to be). I sent *that* back because I could hear the fan running in quiet passages of string quartets. Other than that, I found it a highly musical amp, unflappable and really enjoyable.

So much for amps with excess emissions!

I finally decided on a Bryston 4B3 -- you might prefer the next larger model. They are very reliable, and with the "3" (also called cubed) series, Bryston has got a very refined sound. Unless you just don’t want a Bryston, I suggest an audition. You might like it as much as I do!

You’ve got a fun problem to solve. Have fun solving it!