Years ago I went from a VT200 to SS amps. Krell, Pass, and Musical Fidelity, all great in their own way. I still have the Pass and MF amps. Eventually I went back to ARC with a Ref 110. For me the occasional biasing and tube replacement is worth it.
With the solid state amps I always felt like something was missing. It’s hard to explain but the Ref 110 gets me closer than the SS amps ever did.
No doubt the convenience of SS is great. Not counting the hours on the tubes or rushing to turn the amp off to save hours is great. Not to mention less heat. Right now, for me, I’m loving my ARC amp.
Maybe try auditioning a newer used Audio Research amp while you’re at it. You might change your mind about the convenience factor.
With the solid state amps I always felt like something was missing. It’s hard to explain but the Ref 110 gets me closer than the SS amps ever did.
No doubt the convenience of SS is great. Not counting the hours on the tubes or rushing to turn the amp off to save hours is great. Not to mention less heat. Right now, for me, I’m loving my ARC amp.
Maybe try auditioning a newer used Audio Research amp while you’re at it. You might change your mind about the convenience factor.