I use the Oppo 205 and M22 for watching TV, and the Ayre QX-5 digital hub, KX-5 preamp, and VX-5 amp for music. I also have an Ayre DX-5 DSD disc player. The source for music is mostly Roon to the QX-5 via ethernet. I've decided to connect the Oppo balanced output to the Ayre preamp, unbalanced to the NAD M22 and C 268 amps, and disconnect the trigger from the Oppo to the M22 to make it easy to switch between the two setups for HT other than TV. The Oppo will connect to the Velodyne SMS-1s, so subs will be available HT.
Indeed the 5-Twenty series Ayre stuff has a special sound that makes music seem to just flow without electronic intervention. Surprisingly the microRendu/Ayre Codex and A7e driving LS50s share a good deal of that Ayre magic
I appreciate your help in guiding my thinking this through. I've been involved with audio since the early '50s, but a poke always helps.
I use the Oppo 205 and M22 for watching TV, and the Ayre QX-5 digital hub, KX-5 preamp, and VX-5 amp for music. I also have an Ayre DX-5 DSD disc player. The source for music is mostly Roon to the QX-5 via ethernet. I've decided to connect the Oppo balanced output to the Ayre preamp, unbalanced to the NAD M22 and C 268 amps, and disconnect the trigger from the Oppo to the M22 to make it easy to switch between the two setups for HT other than TV. The Oppo will connect to the Velodyne SMS-1s, so subs will be available HT.
Indeed the 5-Twenty series Ayre stuff has a special sound that makes music seem to just flow without electronic intervention. Surprisingly the microRendu/Ayre Codex and A7e driving LS50s share a good deal of that Ayre magic
I appreciate your help in guiding my thinking this through. I've been involved with audio since the early '50s, but a poke always helps.