What was your first big eye opener with regard to audio?

Hello friends,

what was the most fascinating thing you did with the compilation or optimization of your system in terms of SQ or performance, that really got your attention in either a good or bad way?

what was it that actually impressed or surprized you once it was in place?

or what DIY project was it that once done really gave your audio system a big shot in the arm SQ-wise?

maybe it was simply finding out just how much some items could cost

something always seems to take place that changes our philosophies or understandings and maybe even our approach to arranging a fine audio system.

what was your’s?


Perhaps it was buying a quality rack, platform, or maybe a pr. of amp stands?

rolling tubes? adding iso footers?

biting the bullet and bringing in a decidedly  more expensive or merely a different electronic component? DAC? Line stage? Mono blocks? Speakers?

what amazing things could be done with as little as 8wpc?

for example, my ‘eye opening’ events came two  fold. adding power line conditioning and using upscale wires/cables, or power cords.

which of these came first I’m not sure but all of them  came with a huge amount of prejudice on my part as to them doing anything positive to the quality of the sound, but indeed they did!

other things came along with nearly the impact or mind altering impact but those were the initial items that paved the way for me to keep an open mind with respect to building an audio system and preserving its synergy.

what was or has been your epiphany? your most surprising  ‘move’ in audio land?

Pre-amp upgrade to Audio Research made a big difference but biggest difference ever was first time I heard my Class D Bel Canto ref1000m amps. It was a total sound transformation from prior and I wondered what the heck just happened? My ears had to adjust quite a bit which they did pretty fast.

Many years earlier, hearing how good my Walsh 2 speakers sounded outside on a porch from about 100 yards away was a real eye opener.

Many years earlier, hearing how good my Walsh 2 speakers sounded outside on a porch from about 100 yards away was a real eye opener.

So I suppose it's safe to say you do all your critical listening from 100 yards away now? ;-)
So I suppose it’s safe to say you do all your critical listening from 100 yards away now?

That would be interesting wouldn’t it?

More practically, I’ve come to realize how big a factor room acoustics is in determining the sound (perhaps the single biggest) and been much smarter about dealing with that.

Also I realized how loud and clear the Ohm Walsh speakers could go, not to mention how robust and practically indestructible they are even under the most extreme conditions, and learned to appreciate the sound quality and value they offer even more as a result.   
I bought a pair of Altec A7s in 1970 or so for my band...when I hooked 'em up to my stereo rig I immediately got a clue about what's what.
I worked in a mid-fi stereo store in 1977-78 (as a 14 year-old gopher).  I got my first speakers (Acoustic Research) on salesman's concession. 

The first revelation was listening to them for long periods of time before I made up my mind.  This was an early lesson in listening fatigue that I've carried with me ever since. (another lesson in fatigue came a year later, listening to a friend's Bose 901s)

The second was getting my new speakers home and moving them around in my room.  In the shop, they set up all the speakers on top of each other in a wall. In no time at home I was way ahead of anything I'd heard in the shop.

A different kind of revelation was the exposure to the ethics of my boss and a few of his colleagues and competitors.  I felt like I'd been slimed.