I have also found the Pickering XSV 3000 to an outstanding cartridge.
this is true, also Stanton 881s or higher models.
don't have my XSV-3000 cartridge anymore, but still have a NOS (sealed) original Stereohedron stylus for this model .
Best cheapo Cartridge
I have also found the Pickering XSV 3000 to an outstanding cartridge. this is true, also Stanton 881s or higher models. don't have my XSV-3000 cartridge anymore, but still have a NOS (sealed) original Stereohedron stylus for this model . |
Dear @vpi : My first LOMC cartridge was the 103 that I still have. In those old times Denons puts in the market several versions of the 103 like the one you named, some only for the japanese market, that unfortunatelly I never had the opportunity to listen it. I have not an opinion on that specific model. Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS, R. |
Hello @rauliruegas , My Denon DL 103 M arrived back from Needle Clinic with boron cantilever and micro ridge stylus. Very smooth without being being too sweet. Nice extension on the top and bottom. Lots of heft in lower midrange/upper bass. I'm very pleased with it. I'd say it competes with MC cartridges in the $2000 + range. My total investment $650. Don't know if this qualifies as "cheapo" but in my experience you would have to spend at about three times that to find a MC its equal. |