Manley snapper vs Atma-sphere M60

Trying to figure out the best way to go between these 2 amps.  They'll be lighting up Tannoy Kensingtons.  I play mostly rock on CD's.

Any thoughts/comments......thanks.
I agree...there a few amps I heard that sounded so nice.Like JaFox  mentioned the Cat JL series,Jadis JA series and the Atma Sphere M60.Cheapest in price is the M60 though and I could live with those for long time.
I'm running my Tannoy Canterbury's with M-60's and they sound incredible to my ears with all styles of music.
I've owned M-60 for 2-3 years and I love them.  They may well be the last amps I buy.  I've heard Snappers only once, and not in my system, but I don't think they are in the same league with M-60's.   One caution however, is that the M-60's don't lie.  They are not forgiving of bad recordings, and they are not forgiving of bad digital.  I don't play much rock.  Mostly classical.   I got in the mood for the Stones a couple of nights ago, and it was all I could do to get through Beggars Banquet.  BTW, I agree with @phantom_av on the upgrades.  Also, be prepared to do some experimenting on getting the 6SN7s right.  Makes a big difference in my opinion.   I would expect the M-60's to be very nice with the Kensingtons.  
I love Rock music on the Atma-Sphere more than SET or Push and Pull. I don't know why but I always feel The Atma seem to handle complex music easily and feel more relaxed when doing so even when your pushing the volumes to crazy levels. SET Amps don't seem to work well on this and push-pull amps all depend on power and how its implemented. Still, After all these years, the OTL from Atma seems to reign supreme over other amps iv tried. This applies to any genre of music. Not just audiophile recordings.