Help me with a Fidelity Research FR64 part

I got a mint FR64 tonearm at a great price. Sadly there was a catch it did not have the nut that fastens the arm at the base. It is a really fine thread (25 threads per inch) in fact my machinist doesn't have tooling for this.

so I want to know if anyone out there knows where I can get the said nut, or if they have one they can sell me - thanks
Dover, I certainly could be wrong, but I think the OP is looking for the large nut that goes under the tonearm mounting board and mates to the thread at the end of the vertical shaft of the FR 64. 
Yes, and if you google "yahoo japan" and "FR64S stabiliser" you will find exactly what he is looking for as I suggested.

Dear chakster, I also bought replica B-60 so don't need the original
shaft (or ''base'') with mention NUT. However this (whole) part is
also offered for sell on different sites. You can't sell this part
without the nut or get the same price as with the nut included. 
I am surprised that you need such advise (grin). 

Dear dover, Lew is my English teacher so I agree with him and
consequently disagree with you, ''NUT'' and ''STABILIZER'' are
different ''animals'' despite the right picture on your reference. 
The name by your picture should be ''NUT'' and not STABILIZER.
The later are much bigger and heavier. One can see the difference
by comparing the original FR-64 NUT with B-60 stabilizer. 

No, you miss the point - English is not the primary language in Japan, and that is the mistake you make. Perhaps you could write to the advertiser in Japan and explain why they are wrong when they call a nut a stabilizer, as they have done for the past 10 years that they have been selling them.
As an aside they call a turntable "mat" a "plate" - you might like to correct them on that whilst you are at it.

Dear dover, this is the most strange argument against my proposition
I have ever heard; that primary language in Japan is not English.
If you read whatever translation from Japanese in English you can
hardly understand what they mean (grin). However our discussion is
in English and in this language one discriminate between NUT and
STABILIZER. The function of an name is to refer to some object in
the so called ''reality''. In this reality one can see the difference 
between an nut and an stabilizer. If ''form follows function''  then
the function of both objects is different: nut is to fasten something to
something else , stabilizer to , uh, stabilize with weight the involved