Great 16 ohm Full Range loudspeakers

I am considering getting a second set of monoblocks--Atma-sphere MA-1 140 watt blocks, and am interested in learning about the available 16 ohm loudspeakers out there. I would want something that is full range (currently using JM Lab Alto Utopias).

Atec Valencia 846A has a 16 ohm version. The humble Duke also did not mention his Audio Kinesis speakers. Audio Note make a High Efficiency version of the AN-E, designated HE. However, I believe it's 98DB, but not 16 Ohm. I think the AN-E HE's are actually an 8 ohm load. Well, I guess the Audio Notes wouldn't necessarily be full range.
Second the Altec Valencia 846A, the 16 ohm version, although the 846B (8 ohm version) is also very good. If money is not a consideration, then my first recommendation is the Shindo Latour's. Best overall speaker I have ever heard.