A new turntable under 500-700euros

I'm 63 years old and I've got 2 turntables 1) Linn sondek LP12/Ittok/Ortofon MC30Super and Thorens 160S MKV/TP90/Ortofon MC15Super. I switched to CD for the last 20 years for two reasons: I didn't like the sound of both turntables, it was musical but fat at the bass and dull and second I was used at the CD sound and I couldn't stand the clicks, pops and scratch of the vinyl. I've got about 1000 records mostly used but at good condition. Now I want to start listening again to turntable. I will sell the turntables and I will buy a direct drive turntable. Any proposition for a DD turntable under 500 euros or exceeding 700euros the most? And a cartridge under 200euros preferably a non elliptical stylus because all the elliptical cartridges I have heard are exaggerating the problems of the used records? I prefer a MM cartridge with conical stylus something like nagaoka MP100 or Sumiko Black Pearl. Conical styli don't have the detail of the elliptical ones but they are much more silent and subdue the imperfections of the records.Thank you all. 
A second-hand Technics 1200 is also a good choice (~300euro). The reason I proposed the particular belt-drive is that it sounds very punchy and crisp—like the typical DD. I second your idea to sell the Linn -- you can probably tweak the Thorens quite easily if you wish.
Good luck!
Rawbleed, use an old but upgraded Valhalla for your Linn and I dont think you need anything else.  Maybe an improved cartridge like a Shibata based Audio Technica or something.  Both can be retrofitted to a Linn for about $500 max.