Which cable

I have a Sanyo entertainment centre,  a quality all in one system with cassettes,  equaliser etc. I have expanded the system with some boom box 3000 bass speakers and I'm thinking of using some left over wire which I think originally came with the door bell. Do the other members think this will be suitable.

Be sure to have he who shall not be named check your new purchase for "directionality" before use.

The wire on the link I gave is covered in clear plastic.  No worries.  20 gauge is not enough gauge on its own as the OP would use it. 
I just rewired my doorbell with a double run of Acoustic Zen Satoris and getting much better tonality and soundstaging. There are some people who say they can’t hear a difference between doorbell cables, but with proper setup and assuming the doorbell has decent resolution I’ve found that cables can make a huge difference. If you’ve invested in a good doorbell you really should consider demoing some better cables. I only have 17 rings on them at this point, but even my wife noticed the doorbell sounds better. I’ll report back once the cables are more fully broken in.