Thanks for providing one of the most interesting reads on this
site. There are a lot of weak sisters in the 80+ responses who
as you say are best ignored.
I do not lie but I am deceitful at times. Is that any better? No.
As any attorney will tell you, a response to any question you
do not want to answer can be phrased a number of ways with
a "truthful" answer that avoids the real truth.
I have owned 4 Porsches the first of which was rolled a couple days
after its purchase but before my insurance was in place. As I crawled out the rear window and saw my 38 revolver lying on the road
I realized my guardian angel was again working overtime.
Cars, audio, guns & women fascinate most men I know.
There is really not much else required to satisfy the hedonistic
virtues of man. If that's too crude for anyone, stop reading now.
Sinatra's song- "I took the blows and did it my way"will be my epitaph.
When I see your icon photo of the lovely, open and airy home
you own with all the windows, my 1st question is:
"Why don't you build a music room to appreciate the gear you
As you are an intelligent man I am sure reasons exist.
One guy raises the most provocative question:
"When did music become such a self-prescribed solitary experience?
I'm really curious to pinpoint that moment in our culture. Anyone" ?
Nobody took a shot at replying so I will.
"When a man finds something that suspends the madness
circulating in his mind, he naturally gravitates toward it."
No wife required for the audio activity.
Women evolved by developing social skills which can not be
successfully employed when music is being listened to.
Not much different than duct taping their mouth's shut.
As you would feel if you were handcuffed.
They also see musical gear as giving you more pleasure and garnering more of your attention than they feel they can offer or feel they are receiving. A threat is always feared.
I have some other darker and more negative reasons but will
not go there on this forum.